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Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

With the boating season now here, and AIS Management always a concern, I want to provide everyone with several Minnesota DNR links that were shared with Tom Stanton, Holiday Area Rep. and Meeker County Assoc. of Lakes Rep., by Ariana Richardson, Meeker County AIS Coordinator. These links and others on the provide valuable information for all Minnesota lakes.
The first link encourages us all to take the pledge to help prevent the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS).
The second link provides information on how to be on the look out for zebra mussels.  As most of you know, Lake Francis saw its first zebra mussels during the summer 2021.
The third link provides information on and  a list of AIS plants with limited distribution in Minnesota. Early detection of any AIS allows for more effective control.
You are invited to review these links at your leisure. You might need to type the link to gain access.  Also, check out the DNR web site.  If you observe any AIS concerns as you enjoy the lake this summer, you are encouraged to notify your Area Rep.


Please check your docks and equipment for zebra mussels. Click HERE if you have spotted them!


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